[7:23 pm, November 30, 2005] said...
Isn't it true that age brings in more beauty in everyone. This lady was frozen in moments when I was returning from Uni. Photographed this is sepia mode.
[5:28 pm, March 22, 2006] said...
Graceful Aging. The curly wisps of silvery white hair and the creases on her face wont bely her age. But her heart is still young. Reflected by the way she holds her head aloft and her choice of jewelery. :-)
Have a thought? Say it here.
Chez [7:23 pm, November 30, 2005] said... Isn't it true that age brings in more beauty in everyone. This lady was frozen in moments when I was returning from Uni. Photographed this is sepia mode.
Rubic_Cube [5:28 pm, March 22, 2006] said... Graceful Aging. The curly wisps of silvery white hair and the creases on her face wont bely her age. But her heart is still young. Reflected by the way she holds her head aloft and her choice of jewelery. :-)